Student Member

Student membership is open to all full and part-time students below the age of 25, pursuing a course leading to the award or exemption of the Diploma or Graduate qualification of the Institute.

Affiliate Member: Annual Subscription S$60

Affiliate membership would apply to all those not (yet) qualified for any other category. In the main this will be aspiring professionals studying in higher education or undertaking work-based training. Non-graduates not yet working at a professional level, graduates in order discipline and those "interested" in being members will fall in this category.


Associate Member (AMPRIS): Annual subscription fee S$80

Recently qualified holders of recognised degrees or tertiary qualifications. This will be a transitional category between graduation (or reaching an equivalent level of attainment) and being elligible for the category of Member. This will recognise the early stages of career development with the award of designatory letter AMPRIS.

Member (MPRIS): Annual subscription fee S$80

Members will have satisfied the requirements for admission as an Associate and have a minimum of 3 years additional experience. This experience can be gained in postgraduate level employment, education or training.

Fellow (FPRIS): Annual subscription fee S$100

Fellows will have satisfied admission requirements to MPRIS and additionally, have made outstanding contributions to the industry and/or the Institute over a number of years.

Honorary Fellow (HonFPRIS):

In addition to the above, there is the Honorar Grade of Fellowship (HonFPRIS) awarded to those senior members of the Institute who have made considerable contribution to the development and running of the Institute, as well as to the local industry. This award is based on recommendations to, and by, the Institute, and can only be conferred by the Institute's Management Committee.